


ShareMyFlow (hereinafter referred to as Terms) is apricoworks (hereinafter called the Company) provided "ShareMyFlow" and its associated services (hereinafter referred to as the Service) to access and browse all users to use in any manner as published (hereinafter referred to as user) establishes the relationship between the Company and the matters to be observed by the user. In order to use this service you must agree to all terms and guidelines referred to in these Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions.

users, when you use this service applications and services, the following terms and guidelines (hereinafter referred to as Terms and combined) must agree to.

  1. (1) Terms of Use
  2. (2) privacy policy

Article 1 defines

  1. "Content" means text, photos, audio, music and other sounds, images and all other types of data means, including the images.
  2. "User Content" in the content, user-submitted to the Service means the content originated.

Article 2 of the User Registration

  1. Those wishing to use of this service is your agreement to all Terms and Conditions at our prescribed procedure, you must register as a user of this service.
  2. In the previous user more immediately, agree to the terms of each service performed.
  3. Registered users can service is 13 years or older and less.
  4. In registered user, you must register for the Service e-mail address and a nickname.
  5. After registering user, we create an account. Users can use the My Services page for each user of the Service and the.
  6. user is assumed not to register false information on registration with the user, if there is a change from the time of registration information according to the method prescribed by the Company, shall notify the Company promptly of changes.
  7. User registration with the nickname, such as using a language that violates the privacy rights of any third party, such as offensive language or to a third party should not be.
  8. Users can check the registered information, if obtained from the Company for the materials needed for the certification and shall promptly submit such materials. Handling of such materials are separately prescribed by the Company " Privacy Policy " is based on.
Article 3 of the Terms of Use

  1. users can use within the scope of this Agreement the Service.
  2. this service is available in a range of data rate mobile communications provider to the user's agreement. Users also will be responsible for any charges arising in the use of this service.
  3. user can close the account at any time by the Company with the prescribed procedure. In that case, the user will not be able to use this service. However, we are content to users with no obligation to remove, you may continue even after the closure of the User Content is published by a user account.
  4. user interface that is provided by means other than the Company can not access the Service (or try to access it) to agree. Unless you have explicit permission except in the individual agreement with the Company.
  5. For data taken user data folder is stored in the mobile terminal held by each user.

Article 4: Prohibition on

  1. Act that violates the Terms of Service
  2. Actions that may act and their inputs when using this service false user
  3. And their actions that may act contrary to law
  4. Lead to criminal behavior and criminal behavior acts, and those that may act
  5. And those that may act contrary to the public policy
  6. Action to obtain unfair advantage by using this service
  7. Other users, organizations and services and this service is not related to advertising activities, promote or solicit action
  8. False, act like posting information, including details such as inaccurate or misleading
  9. the act of collecting or storing personally identifiable information from the Service
  10. The act discriminatory expression posted
  11. And their actions that may act for the purpose of profit-related services through the Service or this
  12. We, defamation action against another person or to any third party
  13. We, other users or third party copyright, trademark, patent, infringe the design right and other intellectual property rights of any act that may infringe or
  14. Inadequate representation of the act posted on the Service express or child pornography and other obscene
  15. Violent or grotesque representations, other acts of expression posted pictures or words of general discomfort and other users
  16. Intended to act as sexual encounter
  17. We, other users, and their actions that may damage or action detrimental to the Company or any third party
  18. Alter some or all of such Service or information contained therein, and their actions that may act to alter or erase
  19. Transfer or lease of such acts as account
  20. Impersonating others, the act of using this service
  21. Following the act of sending a message or request with obstinate indifference
  22. Invite users to act in violation removed
  23. Act to transmit information, including computer programs other harmful computer virus
  24. Load on the system behavior of this service deliberately
  25. Made to circumvent technical measures to protect our services and content of this, release, take actions to neutralize such workaround
  26. Decoding software to provide this service and content, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer act
  27. And their actions that may act to destroy the network or system disrupt normal operation of network systems
  28. Actions that might encourage them to encourage appropriate behavior and to any of the above items
  29. Other items mentioned above, actions deemed inappropriate by the Company

Article 5 of the cancellation of registration etc.

  1. if applicable, the grounds of any of the following items: user, the Company, for users without prior notice or demand to temporarily suspend the use of the Service, or to register You can undo. Users 申Shi立Tezu no objection to this, even as they also suffered loss or damage or disadvantage to indemnify the Company, shall not make any claims and other claims.
    1. If you violate any provision of these Terms and Conditions, or if there is a past violation.
    2. If you find that there are facts in the matter of false registration.
    3. If you interfere with the operation of the Service.
    4. From our inquiry, if not addressed promptly submit such requests for documents.
    5. If the death.
    6. Belonged to an organization conduct activities or anti-social anti-social, if you have or are closely related.
    7. Other, if deemed inappropriate by the Company to continue the registration.
  2. The case of the preceding paragraph, users of the Services or your own account, the contents of the Service, User Content, you may lose access to all information relevant to them more.

Article 6 of the notice or contact

  1. If you decide that you need to contact the Company or to notify users is, and what can be contacted via e-mail or conduct that is registered by the user.
  2. When querying the our users and do not touch by email to the appropriate office. In that case, we have the obligation to answer for all of the query, the answer also prepared deadline.
User rights and responsibilities under Article 7

  1. reserves all rights that make up the contents of this service (property rights, intellectual property rights, image rights, publicity rights, etc.) are entitled to such third party or the Company (including but not limited to other authors ) are attributed to. However, user content (photo information such as drawings, data, illustrations, photographs, etc.), the purpose of advertising features introduced by the Service, and shall be free to use for each note in advance by the Company . In addition, we own discretion, and modifications can be made and the content posted by members. Due to the nature of the services, content posted by the user (picture that make up the content, background images, etc., our application (I Love Flow!live Wallpaper) data created by other data are not included.), The user is free to get to, you can modify. However, user-submitted content is prohibited content for other users is equivalent to the user.
  2. Users must use the Service at your own risk.
  3. Users own risk, regarding passwords, changing passwords on a regular basis etc, shall be kept strictly confidential and carried out measures to prevent theft, so it is not known to third parties Please note.
  4. user has been suspected that the account is available to third parties, if we find that fact, and to notify us immediately.
  5. We
  6. , if you verify the identity of the nickname and password for the use of this service, log out and then up a series of communications shall be deemed made by users who are registered as holding the relevant password.
  7. We are a user regardless of negligence, for damage caused by third party users and others using your account, of any responsibility.
  8. Users, the Company, each such monitoring to make unauthorized use of the Services by users, and without objection prior consent.
  9. Users to use it when we are in this service to other users or user content, third party patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property or publicity rights, privacy rights to ensure that you do not infringe.
  10. Users for other users, view user content, access, display, storage, acknowledging the extent of personal use copying, introduced in the social networking service of others through the Service, the User Content by other users I agree that there may be.
  11. Users, when users violate the rights of any third party content, you must take responsibility for possible prosecution. You can also infringe any other laws and regulations but also the content contribute to the infringement, may be held legally responsible.
  12. Created that users send, against damage or loss incurred by the User Content public, we are not obligated to take any responsibility for yourself and other third parties, shall bear full responsibility for yourself and the cost shall be the responsibility of the user.

Article 8 rights of the Company

  1. We will show in this service User Content, modify, and may be used in various ways, such as a promotion or.
  2. To achieve the objectives of the preceding paragraph, our users through the Service, and local time to any User Content, and shall agree to provide free unlimited regarding any royalties.
  3. Design created by our users, characters, images, software, and you acknowledge that the Company owns patents and other intellectual property rights regarding copyright and trademark rights for the content of any other about this service and then.
  4. We collect information about users and user registration information are handled in accordance with our privacy policy.
  5. You may provide links to external websites and content from the Service. We are responsible for any damages directly or indirectly for any damage caused or arising in connection with these websites and are not content.
  6. We are to prevent unauthorized access to this service, you can take all lawful measures need to be determined.
  7. We can not be determined to remove User Content that violates any provision of these Terms and Conditions.
  8. We can be deleted at our discretion any User Content report stating there was a suspected violation of any provision of this Agreement by the user.

Article 9 of this service change , interrupted or stopped for

  1. Company, without prior notice or notifying the user, or change the system and user interface of the service.
  2. We may cancel or suspend service to this incident due to unavoidable reasons such as natural disaster or other uncontrollable fire, power outage due to maintenance work, or if a system failure. Company, except by reason of natural disaster such as Incident, and shall notify that fact in advance. However, in cases of urgent necessity, as far as this.
  3. In the case of this section, or even caused damage or disadvantage to the user, the Company assumes any legal liability, including liability.

Article 10 Termination of contract

  1. Terms such will continue until you cancel any of our users.
  2. Even if this Agreement has terminated as, all legal rights that occurred while this Agreement was in effect, etc., duties and obligations will be applied indefinitely.

Article 11 Disclaimer

  1. We is any equipment used to use this site to a user equipment or software can not guarantee any behavior.
  2. Company is responsible for all User Content and to monitor the Service.
  3. We the communication costs that occur when users use this service and does not pay at all.
  4. We, when you use this site users and do not guarantee impunity by computer virus or other harmful programs. Even if it contains harmful, such as computer viruses, does not guarantee any user for damages or penalties accordingly.
  5. We is retarded due to excessive access or system failure or disruption of communication lines and computer equipment, or detriment due to damage caused data loss or unauthorized access to data related to this service to other users No compensation for any damage caused or disadvantage.
  6. This Section, is that all of the provisions arising out of or responsibility to users of our Services. The Company, in addition to those specified in this section assumes no responsibility for any liability for any cause other claims.

Article 12 of the damages

users, or by negligence or willful violation of the provisions of this Agreement, or if the Company has caused damage to a third party, and shall compensate the damage immediately.

Effectiveness of Article 13 of this Agreement

  1. Also be considered invalid on the basis of law If any provision of this Agreement, the other provisions of this Agreement is effective.
  2. Even if it is invalid in relation to the user with any provision of this Agreement, or revoked, in relation to these Terms and Conditions are valid and others.
  3. We, we may revise this Agreement and without notice to users before or after, the revised Terms and Conditions, and shall apply the revised Terms of Service. Also, if you use the Services after the revision of user Terms and Conditions constitutes acceptance of the revised Terms of Service.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction Article 14

law concerning this Agreement is the law of Japan, etc. related to this Agreement or the Service, any dispute between the user and the Company, any district court or summary court in Nagoya, Nagoya The exclusive jurisdiction and courts of first instance.

Established January 27, 2012

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